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Manage your energy, not your time. Can Boost the productivity of the employee.


It will be seen in many businesses and companies that time management and energy flow of the office are two different productivity strategies. Still, they used both with each other to get more work done and productivity of the company, benefiting the business's growth.

Time management is about controlling the time spent on nonproductive tasks and work which is productive or assigned by the project manager. The primary goal is to do much work in less time than possible.

According to Harvard Business School, most workers reach their higher peaks or levels of energy to do work a few hours after the start of the work, then slow down around 3-4 pm. At the same time, there are many suggestions and tips to manage time and work. 

There is more attention to completing a given task at the assigned time rather than who is completing the task.

An employee tracking software might be more productive and active without disturbance. 

Take a small break to boost the energy to do work, but most of the productive or working people will take long or lots of breaks in work-time, which harms to get productive work and manage the time to complete the task.

 To manage the work and time, a good to-do list for the day works is done or is pending. Divide big projects and tasks into smaller which helps to make them easy and fast to complete within time. An employee can help to manage the task and unproductive time.

The employee should also consider rewards and appreciation in work, which maintain and build the working spirit in the office, which helps to get more productive and gain good outcomes in business.

In addition to small exercises such as stretching arms and hands, taking a sip of water during working hours, taking breaks stand-up and doing two-minute or 5 min walks. Keep eyes close for 2 min while long screen time in the office.

The employee tracker monitors the task completion or not at the given time. They also monitor an employee's time while working, not during office time. An employee can check whether work is completed or not, assigned by the project manager.

Energy and time management are more important and need to recharge to be more productive to keep the business growing. They help to succeed the time management as well as work put together to improve the growth and productivity of the company


  1. This piece emphasizes the synergy between time management and energy flow in driving Workplace Productivity. It underscores the importance of optimizing peak energy periods for efficient task completion, focusing on achieving targets regardless of the individual handling the tasks.


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